Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Job Search USA!!

Getting deep into this now - emailing loads of different firms/lawyers to try and see if i can get networking or get SOMETHING but it really going slow at moment! Most people don't seem to be coming back to me - those that do come back have been offering very useful advice! However running out of time to get this shit in time for April visa application time! :(

Anyone ever used this emplayernet.com? Tempted to sign up for it at only $14.95 a month but not sure if really would be worth it.... anything tho at moment seems worth doing!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get free limited access to emplawyernet, so there are only about 3-4 new listings a day. This include lots of paralegal, law clerk, and academia postings. Not sure what the $15/month service is like, but the free service I get isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Try monster.com (though most postings there want experienced people, 3+ years of practice).