Friday, August 24, 2007

1 month on...

Can't really believe that it was a month ago that day 1 of the bar exam began! Now exactly too! On the one hand it seems like it was only yesterday and so i can't believe that it's been a whole month but on the other hand I've done so much SINCE the bar that it almost seems strange that only a month has passed! I know that IS very contradictory and i have no idea how my mind manages to reconcile the two... if at all but whatever.. it seems STRANGE!

Lisa has now gone back to LA so i have regained control of my laptop! lol - we visited Ireland early last week and it was great fun - went around Dublin first coupla days then on the last day took a minibus tour up into the 'mountains' and to parts that the huge tour buses couldn't get to... great scenery!

Then this time last week we drove to a tube station outside of London and tubed into London and wandered round most of the day - visited portobello road (kinda boring) and went to this Ice bar that was cool (LITERALLY) - it's kept at -5 (degrees C) and you go in with these huge parka jacket things and get served a drink in what is basically a large ice cube with a hole carved into it. Would definitely recommend it just as an experience if anyone goes to London (just off Regent's Street).

As for bar stuff - have emailed coupla lawyers in the US looking for work - really don't know the best way to start or who to focus on... just playing the law of averages and hoping that if i talk to enough people maybe one of them might 'bite'!

Finally worked out how i'm gonna get fingerprints done for this California moral certification thing - been trailing around police stations here but it seems, unless you commit a crime, they don't do fingerprinting anymore. Found out where the police headquarters is though so gonna head over there once i get back from Denmark... yes i am flying out once again... (last time for a while!) to Denmark on Tuesday - to see my mate.. think i probably mentioned this here before. Looking forward to it actually - should be good break then back home and must start working to attempt to move from being beyond bankrupt to just debt ridden! lol

1 comment:

The Grand Poobah said...

A kindred spirit....
