Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 14 - MBE Practice Exam

Did AM session 9am - 12pm, then watched House and had something to eat before doing the PM session 1.30pm - 4pm (kinda finished early on that 2nd session - had finished and was bored!).

Have remembered the way I sorted out the time on MBE exam for NY that worked really well - basically making sure you do 25 q's in 45 minutes. Splits the exam into 4 manageable chunks, means you have more idea of how you are doing for time and means, if you are reasonably quick, you can either have quick 2-3 minute break every 45 minutes or save it up and use it all at the end! I remember that I told a coupla people i did the NY one with about it and they said they used it and found it worked really well.

Exam wise - my mark is slightly inflated I think because i did pretty much the same MBE practice exam last year before NY bar exam - however I really don't remember the questions conciously and now and then when I vaguely recall something it seems annoying because I don't know whether I am remembering the answer I gave before or the right answer or even a wrong answer that I read about after doing the exam! Whatever... apparently the actual MBE will be easier so I guess that's a good sign... just checked and got 136 last time

MBE Practice Exam - (140/200)


The Grand Poobah said...

Congrats on the score! I used BarBri all through school and the questions look familiar to me too. Yet despite all of the practice I seem to get the same ones wrong every time.


Richard said...

Hey thanks! Bit annoyed - seems like I dropped a lot of q's! Felt most of them were right but 60 of them were completely wrong - crazy!

Must say I get the same thing - seem to permanently get the same ones wrong each and every time I do something.

GC said...

Hey Richard, did you have a chance to review all the answers to the questions? Now I would be really impressed if you did. :)