Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Day 6 - Flipping Out

Ok today started... well shit! Got up and tried to get on but reaally tired for some reason... kept trying at evidence and listened to first 2 hours of lectures then decided not to bother with rest of evidence lectures - I got the federal stuff already in notes from last time - it's only the Cali distinctions i particularly need and i KINDA got them in the outline - just highlighted them! Tried to keep going at that, then tried an essay then kinda flipped out - moved the whole room around, got a beer, sat and started re-watching 25th hour followed by simpsons. Hmmm - strange no? After I woke up from a slumber I fell into following simpsons still felt kinda screwed but began gradually to sort room out again and move shit away - seem to have lost the pen i work with though lol. Ok time to try and get back to it I'm guessing - always gotta have at least one flip out! :) More dramatic in previous years though - running off up the hill and lying in the long wet grass for a while in the early hours of the morning - that was a fun one! Other ones have just been walking off to a pub for few shots of intoxicating liquors then returning to it all. This one was mild really lol.
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Update - finally found pen among bottles of rum, absinth and JD - yay! lol - never really got on properly today - watched first coupla episodes of the Shield instead then later did one load of MCQ's - shite mark but i'm happy as long as over 50% generally. Hopefully do more tomorrow now I had a break of some kind...
MCQ's today - Int Constitutional 1-35 (21/35)

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