Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 17 - Captivity!

Just returned from the cinema where I caught Captivity. Fairly shite film but could really draw comparisons and see the parallels to my own life at the moment - kept in a room, tortured by revision and stress... ok she wasn't being tortured by revision but you get my point!

What seems absolutely crazy to me is how tomorrow is JULY - i KNOW it's only the one day closer to the exam but it seems a month closer - now I can no longer say 'next month' because it is quite definitely going to be 'this month.' On the positive side - I guess we are now into the final stretch - time to pull out all the stops and head for the finish line post haste!

(On that note - I reaaally didn't get too much done today - managed Trusts lectures but that was it - from tomorrow gonna get back down to it!)

1 comment:

calbar blondie said...

When are you travelling to CA to take the exam, and where are you sitting for the Bar? Just curious here..