Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 25 - Worst Bar Exam Ever!

I was just pondering earlier as to what would be the worst possible combinations of questions on the bar exam, for me anyway! Essays would have to be:

1. Corporations
2. Evidence
3. Real Property
4. Civil Procedure
5. Constitutional Law
6. Professional Responsibility

And MPT's would be:

1. Drafting opening statement
2. Brief in support of a motion (including statement of facts)
(hmm is that partially due to the last MPT i did/mock MPT being precisely the above? lol)

Anyone else have different 'worst bar exam' combos? Kinda helps me a bit cus then I can think - even if the worst happened... I'd probably be able to write something for most of the essays...

P.S. That shift and tab thing really worked to get the title in - ty poobah!! :)

1 comment:

biff said...

Evidence, Community Property, Civ Pro, Contracts, some obscure part of Corps, and maybe Crim Pro.