Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 35 - Back in the USA!

Thanks for all the suggestions as to what to do on the plane - decided to listen to as many evidence lectures as I could because actually didn't listen to all of them the first time through - thinking that it would be mostly same as NY. Was definitely worth listening tho - much clearer understanding of hearsay now... altho that doesn't mean i now have a GOOD understanding of hearsay! :)

So flew in yesterday - REALLY HOT here! How is everyone managing to study in this heat?! lol - Was hot back home now and then but been quite lucky recently with relatively cool weather/rain - ideal for studying! Didn't manage much else once I got here yesterday - just went to bed knackered pretty early.

This morning so far - got up early - 8ish and finished evidence lectures, then trecked to 'Smart and final' to buy copious amounts of red bull and have now returned here to turn my attention to some MCQ's. Really feels like the final stretch now that I'm actually here and the exam is very much impending - before flying here it was relatively easy to think the exam isn't until I fly out to LA and seeing as I'm not in LA yet there still this 'buffer zone.' The buffer zone has now gone and so begins 'home stretch' time.


The Grand Poobah said...

Hot? Yep. This is Summer in L.A.

We've only had something 11 inches of rain since Jan 2006 so what you see now is pretty much what you get. But thanks to the low humidity, it does tend to cool of at night.

That was your local weather. Stay tuned for the Bar Exam Report, coming up right after this brief commercial message.

Richard said...

Actually that is one good thing about here - really cools down at night! Back home it was more humid so stayed hot all evening/night.

calbar blondie said...

Welcome to the US, Richard!!!
It's actually perfect here in San Diego. Right around 75 degrees, and breezy.